nest, Den Haag (NL) 05.10.2017 and 26.10.2017

De Constant Rebecqueplein 20b
2518 RA Den Haag
0031 (0)70 3653186

It would be utterly great if you’d be partaking in a Socratisch dialogue that I’m running (once in Dutch, once in English) at Nest, the Hague during the exhibition On Speaking Terms. Partaking artists: Yair Callender, Robert Glas, Charl Landvreugd, Barbara Visser, Marga Weimans.

Donderdag 5 oktober, 19.30 uur
Dutch spoken: 05.10.2017, 19:30h
English spoken: 26.10.2017, 19:30h

Entrance € 5,00

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