Wouter Klein Velderman
Born in 1979, Deventer, The Netherlands. Lives and works in Amsterdam.
Klein Velderman obtained his Masters in 2009 at the Sandberg Institute after completing his studies at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy, where he now teaches.
Klein Velderman’s sculptures and installations refer to a practical world of construction, industry and transport. He works with industrial plastics, which he endlessly and meticulously sews and fuses. This makes them look a bit like strange family members of objects that we encounter in our daily environment: vulnerable, delicate and sometimes a bit lost.
Klein Velderman is co-founder of the Beeld Hal Werk exhibition on Dutch sculpture and the Amsterdam based artist-run collective KAFANA. In 2014 Klein Velderman worked together with Queen of the minimal dance: choreographer Krisztina de Châtel.
2016 Socratic Design Academy, Girona, ES
2005-2007 MFA, Sandberg Instituut, Fine Arts Department, Amsterdam, NL
2001-2005 BA, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, VAV Department , Amsterdam, NL
2004 European Exchange Academy, Beelitz-Heilstatten, Brandenburg, DE (summer 2004)
2018 C&H Art Space, Amsterdam, NL
2017 Torenkamer Vondel CS, Amsterdam, NL
2016 Lombardini 22 Architects, Milan, IT
2015 Spazioborgogno, Milan, IT
2014 C&H Art Space, Amsterdam, NL
2013 MIR, Arnhem, NL
2013 Deventer Beeldenstorm/ Beeldcircus, Deventer, NL
2011 Galleria Spazioborgogno, Milan, IT
2011 C&H Art Space, Amsterdam, NL
2010 P.ART of your life, Zwolle, NL
2009 Galleria Piercarlo Borgogno, Open studio, Lisbon, PT
2006 SM’s, Stedelijk Museum ‘s Hertogenbosch, ‘s Hertogenbosch, NL
2006 #3, W139, Amsterdam. NL
2023 IJsselbiënnale, Zalk, NL
2022 Nieuw Dakota, Amsterdam, NL
2022 Frank Taal Galerie, Rotterdam, NL
2021 Villa de Bank, Enschede, NL
2020 De Vishal, Haarlem, NL
2020 Anningahof, Zwolle, NL
2020 ArtBar Kippy, Amsterdam, NL
2019 Dafang Holland Creative Village, Dafang, CH
2018 Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam, NL
2018 Internationale Architectuur Biennale Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL
2018 Vondel CS, Amsterdam, NL
2018 Museum Kranenburgh, Bergen, NL
2018 Anningahof, Zwolle, NL2017 Parco d’arte Quarelli, Asti, IT
2017 Kunstenlab, Deventer, NL
2016 Big Art, Amsterdam, NL
2016 Spazioborgogno, Milan, IT
2016 Anningahof, Zwolle, NL
2016 De Appel Arts Cnetre, Amsterdam, NL
2016 C&H Art Space, Amsterdam, NL
2016 Tweetakt, Utrecht, NL
2016 Art Rotterdam 2016, Rotterdam, NL
2015 Arti Et Amicitiae, Amsterdam,NL
2015 VAART, Alkmaar, NL
2015 Arcadia, Diepenheim, NL
2015 Moengo Visual Arts Festival, Moengo, SU
2015 Gimme Shelter, Vijfhuizen, NL
2015 Anningahof, Zwolle, NL
2014 Spazioborgogno, Milan, It
2014 De Nederlandse Bank, Amsterdam, NL
2014 Kunstvereniging Diepenheim, Diepenheim, NL
2014 CBK Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL
2014 De Vleeshal (Collaborative project with Krisztina de Châtel), Middelburg, NL
2014 Gemeentemuseum Den Haag (Collaborative project with Krisztina de Châtel), Den Haag, NL
2014 Luchtkastelen op Sypesteyn, Loosdrecht, NL
2014 Art Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL
2013 Landkunst, Leende, NL
2013 In Holland Staat een Huis (Collaborative project with Krisztina de Châtel), Breda, NL
2013 Painting toward its outside edge, Horizonverticaal, Haarlem, NL
2012 Centro per l’arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato, IT
2012 C&H Art Space, Amsterdam, NL
2012 Casa Testori, Milan, IT
2012 Present Forever, Amsterdam, NL
2012 Landgoed Anningahof, Zwolle, NL
2012 Dordtyart, Dordrecht, NL
2011 Kafana, Amsterdam, NL
2011 C&H Art Space, Amsterdam, NL
2010 Beeld Hal Werk, Amsterdam, NL
2010 RC Dok/ Noord Holland Biënnale, IJmuiden, NL
2010 De Fabriek, Eindhoven, NL
2010 Kunstvlaai, Amsterdam, NL
2010 Beeldentuin Anningahof, Zwolle, NL
2010 Teekengenootschap Pictura, Dordrecht, NL
2009 Autosalon, Tilburg, NL
2009 Beeldentuin Galerie De Meerse, Hoofddorp, NL
2009 Bies!, Breda, NL
2009 Subvision, Hamburg, DE
2009 RC de Ruimte / De Servicegarage, IJmuiden / Amterdam, NL
2009 Landgoed Anningahof, Zwolle, NL
2008 FOAM Museumnight, Amsterdam, NL
2008 Kunstvlaai 7 A.P.I. Amsterdam, NL
2008 De Fabriek, Eindhoven, NL
2008 Landgoed Anningahof, Zwolle, NL
2007 Evolution de l’Art in The Blue House, Blue house, Amsterdam, NL
2007 Servicegarage, Amsterdam, NL
2007 Agorafolly outside, Breughelplein, Brussel, BE
2007 Agorafolly inside, La centrale électrique, De elektriciteitscentrale, Brussel, BE
2007 Post Dordt, CBK Dordrecht, Dordrecht, NL
2007 Desolation angels, curated by Bernd Trasberger, Cluster, Berlin, DE
2007 Zilt, curated by Jaap Velserboer , Strand bij Heemskerk, Heemskerk, NL
2007 Shelter, curated by Judith van Meeuwen, Museum De Fundatie, Heino, NL
2007 Galleria Piercarlo Borgogno & W139, Miart, Fiera Internazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea. Milaan, IT
2006 Parkscapes A1, Highwayparkingspace ‘Poppe’, border of Germany, DE
2006 Horse Move Project Space, Amsterdam, NL
2006 Kunstvlaai 6, Westerpark, Amsterdam, NL
2005 Graduation, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, NL
2017-2020 Werkbijdrage Bewezen Talent/ Stipendium for Established Artists, Mondriaan Fonds, NL
2014 Bijdrage opdrachtgeverschap/ Project grant, Mondriaan Fonds, NL
2012 Flexibele bijdrage werkbudget/ Project grant, Mondriaan Fonds, NL
2011 Startstipendium/ Grant for starting artists, Fonds BKVB, NL
2010 Standaard bijdrage werkbudget/ Project grant, Fonds BKVB, NL
2009 Standaard bijdrage werkbudget/ Project grant, Fonds BKVB, NL
2008 Startstipendium/ Grant for starting artists, Fonds BKVB, NL
2007 Standaard bijdrage werkbudget/ Project grant, Fonds BKVB, NL
2005 Nomination National price of honour by the Association of Independent Art and Design Schools (AIAS), Baltimore, Maryland, US
2011 Co-founder, Kafana, Amsterdam, NL
2010 Co-founder, Beeld Hal Werk, Amsterdam, NL
2011 Tembe Art Studio, Moengo, SR
2009 Spazioborgogno, Residency Lisbon, Lisboa, PT
2007 Kunsthuis SYB, Beetsterzwaag, NL
2011-ongoing Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Teacher sculpture, Basicyear, Amsterdam, NL
2017-ongoing Academy of Theatre and Dance (Amsterdam University of the Arts) Teacher Scenography department, Amsterdam, NL
2017 Willem de Kooning Academie, Guest teaching Private/ Public minor, Rotterdam, NL
2017 ArtEZ University of the Arts, Guest teaching BEAR, Arnhem, NL
2017 Van Abbemuseum, Chair at Socratic dialogue, Eindhoven, NL
2017 NEST, Chair at series of Socratic dialogues, Den Haag, NL
2016 Into The Great Wide Open, Chair at series of Socratic dialogues, Oost-Vlieland, NL
2015 Stormhoek, Short lecture about my work, Utrecht, NL
2014 Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, NL
2013 Catch, Short lecture about Deventer Beeldenstrom, Deventer, NL
2011 Rijksgecommitteerde Artez, Enschede, NL
2009 City One Minutes, Lisbon, PT
2005 Participatian on techno-cultures in art conference studio art workshop, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, Maryland, US
2005 European Exchange Academy, guestteacher, Beelitz, Berlin, DE
2004 European Exchange Academy, medialab, Beelitz, Berlin, DE
ARTICLES (selection)
2015 Trouw, 25.06.2015, ‘Op avontuur rond het fort’, Joke de Wolf
2015 NRC, 05.06.2015, ‘Forten zonder oorlog of vijand’, Daan van Lent
2015 Metropolis M, Gimme Shelter review, Yasmijn Jarram
2015 Platform platvorm, #2
2015 Mister Motley, ‘Arcadia’, Heske ten Kate and Hanne Hagenaars
2014 Volkskrant, 02.07.2014, Review UT (OET) (3 stars), Annette Embrechts
2014 Het Parool 30.06.2014, ‘Danseressen als krolse katten tussen stratenmakers’, Jacq. Algra
2014 Telegraaf 27.06.2014, ‘Ballet over Stratenmakers’, Astrid van Leeuwen
2014 Trouw, 03.07.2014, ‘Krisztina de Châtel en Wouter Klein Velderman’, Review (2 stars), Sander Hiskemuller
2014 Theaterkrant, 29.07.2014, ‘Ieder z’n eigen straatje’, Bregtje Schudel
2014 Trouw, 31.05.2014, ‘Opgeslokt door het regenwoud’ Pieter van Maele
2014 Den Haag Centraal 12.09.2014, ‘Élke beweging, élke vorm, moet subtiel zijn’, Astrid van Leeuwen
2014 NRC Handelsblad, 10.06.2014, Column / ‘Oom Piet is dood, Ik Jan Cremer leeft’. Joyce Roodnat
2014 PZC, 13.09.2014, Announcement UT (OET)
2014 Volkskrant, 19.09.2014, Column, Jeanne Prisser
2014 Dans magazine, 07.2014, ‘Stratenmakers, dans en beeldende kunst komen samen in UT (OET)’
2014 Mister Motley, ‘Je ziet beter dat het goed is’, Heske ten Kate and Hanne Hagenaars
2013 Triggering Reality: Angela Sondervan, Triggering Reality, in ArchiNed (the Netherlands) / Valerio Barberis and Guido Incerti, Triggering Reality. L’ossessione del disegno, in “Juliet” (Italy) / Daria Ricchi, ON VIEW> TRIGGERING REALITY: NEW CONDITIONS FOR ART AND ARCHITECTURE IN THE NETHERLANDS, in The Architect’s Newspaper (USA) / Подстегивая реальность. Новые условия для архитектуры и искусства в Нидерландах (Triggering Reality. New conditions for art and architecture in the Netherlands), in forma (Russia) / Michele Weiss, In Olanda nasce il design sociale / Holland: the cradle of social design, in “ddn” (Italy) / Eugenio Pandolfini, Triggering Reality, in Domus (Italy) / Caterina Romaniello, Il post-mediatico nell’arte e nell’architettura olandese di oggi, in “Cultura Commestibile” (Italy) / New conditions for art and architecture in the Netherlands, in e-flux (USA) / Alessandro Mendini per Triggering Reality al Pecci, in Cultura Commestibile (Italy) / Nuove condizioni per l’arte e l’architettura in Olanda, in Cultura Commestibile (Italy) / Al via al Pecci una serie di incontri sulle interazioni tra arte, architettura ed economia, in Notizie di Prato (Italy) / Alessandra Rota, Reality Check. Incontri a margine della mostra Triggering Reality, in Edilizianews (Italy) / Prato. Nuove realtà d’Olanda, in la Lettura, supplement of “il Corriere della Sera” (IItaly) / Valdemaro Beccaglia, open day a un anno dalla scomparsa, in La Nazione (Italy) / TRIGGERING REALITY. New conditions for art and architecture in the Netherlands, in Arch PAPERS (Spain) / Triggering reality al Pecci, in Cultura Commestibile (Italy) / Triggering Reality, in Elle Decor (Italy) / Triggering Reality. New Conditions for art and architecture in the Netherlands, in A10 (the Netherlands) / Agnese Bifulco, mostra TRIGGERING REALITY, in FLOORNATURE (Italy) / Al museo Pecci ‘Triggering reality’, nuove espressioni tra arte e architettura in Olanda, in Toscana TV (Italy) / Wouter Klein Velderman a “Triggering Reality. Nuove condizioni per l’arte e l’architettura in Olanda”, in spazioborgogno (Italy) / Triggering Reality – Nuove condizioni per l’arte e l’architettura in Olanda, in Prato Festival (Italy) / Architettura e spazio contemporaneo, la mostra Triggering Reality, in ARTITUDE (Italy) / Triggering Reality, in CASABELLA (Italy) / Triggering Reality, in the Netherlands, in ARQA (Argentina) / Triggering Reality, in Professione Architetto (Italy) / Nuove condizioni per l’arte e per l’architettura, in IoArch (Italy) / STAMP consiglia: mostre e simposi in Toscana, in STAMP (Italy) / TRIGGERING REALITY. Nuove condizioni per l’arte e l’architettura in Olanda, in Edilportale (Italy) / TRIGGERING REALITY. Nuove condizioni per l’arte e l’architettura in Olanda, in Archiportale (Italy) / Expositie NL-kunstenaars en architecten in Italië, in Architectuur.org (the Netherlands) / TRIGGERING REALITY. NUOVE CONDIZIONI PER L’ARTE E L’ARCHITETTURA IN OLANDA, in THE PLAN (Italy) / TRIGGERING REALITY. New conditions for art and architecture in the Netherlands, in bustler (USA) / Sarah Venturini, Triggering Reality, in ZERO (Italy) / TRIGGERING REALITY. NUOVE CONDIZIONI PER L’ARTE E L’ARCHITETTURA IN OLANDA, in CityVision (Italy) / Triggering Reality: New Directions in Art and Architecture in the Netherlands, in The Art Newspaper (Italy) / Expositie NL-kunstenaars en architecten in Italië, in Architectuur.org (the Netherlands)
2013 Metropolis M, ‘Nieuw Suriname’, Vincent van Velsen
2013 de Stentor, ‘Deventer Beeldenstorm: aandacht voor kunst in de publieke ruimte‘
2013 Omroep Brabant, ‘De wolf huilt weer in het leenderbos’, Jan de Vries
2013 Srananart, ’A ‘Monument for Transition’: Mickey Mouse in Moengo’
2011 “Mer a Boir” Sculptures Wouter Klein Velderman 2006-2011 (ISBN 978-90-815987-4-3)
2006 Kunstbeeld Judith van Meeuwen, “Beelden buiten”
2006 HTV No.66, Suzanne de Bruin, “Horse Move Project Space”
2006 De stentor, Herman Haverkate, “Nepvrachtwagen zet truckers op verkeerde been”
2005 Het Parool, Kees Keijer, “Kunstgras en halfblote mannen aan de muur”
PUBLICATIONS (selection)
2016 ‘Hoe de dingen ons bewegen’, I contributed with an essay: “Beeldhouwen, briefpapier en het eeuwige leven”, Caroline Ruijgrok and Bernke Klein Zandvoort, Publisher: Trebelsee
2016 Ocio, Paper Blog of Lombardini22 Architects
2007-2016 Catalogue Landgoed Anningahof
2016 Catalogue Tweetakt 2016
2016 Catalogue Art Rotterdam 2016
2015 Catalogue ‘Door Schildersogen’, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, NL
2015 Catalogue Gimme Shelter
2014 De Grote Amsterdamse Kunstkalender 2014, Trichis Publishing
2014 I am not doing anything until I feel the need to, Calender project Joanneke Meester
2013 Catalogue Land en Kunst 2013, BKKC
2012 Catalogue Present Forever
2010 “Met stip 2010”, Fonds BKVB, NL (ISBN 978-90-76936-25-3)
2010 “Nederlandse beeldhouwkunst, Dutch sculpture” Beeld Hal Werk , NL
2010 Catalogue Noord Holland Biennale
2009 Catalogue Autosalon
2009 Catalogue Subvision Kunst Festival Off
2007 Catalogue lecture series “Is art real?”
2007 Catalogue Agorafolly inside/ outside
2007 Catalogue ZILT
2006 Catalogue Parkscapes, “De snelweg als verblijfplaats”
Radio/ TV/ DVD
2015 DVD performance UT(OET) at Westergasfabriek Amsterdam, De Chatel Sur Place
2015 Nooit Meer Slapen, Gimme Shelter in Fort Asperen, Vijfhuizen en Nieuwersluis, Gijsbert van der Wal
2013 Deventer TV, interview about Deventer Beeldenstorm
2013 Springvossen over ‘Deventer Beeldenstorm/ Beeldcircus’, door Robert van Altena (60 minuten)
2012 De avonden, radiodoc about ‘Now it can Rain’, by Jesper Buursink (20 minutes)
2007 RTVOOST, This is the business we’ve chosen, Peter Schoof