Ivory and pride / Soft Landing
De Fabriek, Eindhoven (NL) / Spazioborgogno, Milan (IT) / Kafana, Amsterdam (NL) / Casa Testori, Milan (IT) / Pecci prato, milan (IT) / MIR, Arnhem (NL) / CBK Zuid Oost, Amsterdam (NL) / Vaart, Alkmaar (NL) / Kasteel Museum Sypesteyn, Loosdrecht (NL)
Soft Landing 2014, Kasteel Museum Sypesteyn, Loosdrecht (NL)
Ivory and Pride, 2012, Casa Testori, Milan (IT)
Ivory and Pride 2010, sewn PVC fabric, wood, 30 x 30 x 1850 cm
Soft Landing, 2014, sewn PVC fabric, wood, 30 x 30 x 2050 cm
Ivory and Pride is a reproduction of a steel I-profile, or you might want to call it an H-profile. Usually we use these objects to construct buildings or machines. This reproduction is made from a less strong 18 mm plywood, carrying a close fitted sewed jacket of PVC fabric (truck tarpaulin). Even though the object is very long, not so wide/ high and made of relatively thin wood, it can be balanced while its exact centre rests on a surface of only 20 x 30cm.
The sculpture is almost constantly being presented, each time on a new location. Each time I'm looking for a play between the object and its new environment. During the past years it balanced on top of a transport box, it was bound to a tree, put on top of a dome-tent and tied in between two pillars.
Since 2014 Ivory and Pride is being accompanied by a second long balancing sculpture: Soft Landing. At VAART, Alkmaar in 2015 they were presented together for the first time.
Ivory and Pride
/2010 - now (ongoing installation)
Ivory and Pride, 2015 , VAART, Alkmaar (NL)
Ivory and Pride, 2014 , CBK Zuidoost, Amsterdam (NL)
Photo: Alphons ter Avest, Ivory and Pride, 2013 , MIR, Arnhem (NL)
Photo: Alphons ter Avest, Model for Ivory and Pride 2013, sewn PVC fabric, wood, 500 x 4,5 x 4,5 cm
Ivory and Pride 2012, Centro per l'arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato (IT)
Ivory and Pride 2012, Casa Testori, Milan (IT)
Ivory and Pride 2011, Kafana, Amsterdam (NL)
Ivory and Pride 2009, Spazioborgogno, Milan (IT)
Ivory and Pride 2010, De Fabriek, Eindhoven (NL)
Soft Landing
/2014 -now (ongoing installation)
Soft Landing 2015 , VAART, Alkmaar (NL)
Above, below left, below right photo's: Soft Landing 2014 , Kasteel Museum Sypesteyn, Loosdrecht (NL)
This project was made possible with the help of Mondriaan Fund.