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Monthly Archives: January 2016
Museumnight Amsterdam / FOAM / November 1st 2008 / 19.00-0200u / Amsterdam / NL
Red Revolver is currently developing a travelling photography exhibition for Red Bull: ”Private Space”. Private Space is a series of 5 pictures shot by photographer Pepijn Vanthoor. Red Revolver asked me to think about a way to present these photographs. … Continue reading
Landgoed Anningahof / May 27 – October 22 2008 / wednesday – sunday / 13.00-18.00u / Zwolle / NL
Opening May 24, 2pm, Landgoed Anningahof, Hessenweg 9, Zwolle www.anningahof.nl Er is o.a. werk te zien van: Alphons ter Avest, Hans van Bentem, Kees Bierman, Merijn Bolink, Helene Briels, Nicolas Dings, Tom Claassen, Hugo Duchateau, Karel Goudsblom, Pjotr Muller, Thom … Continue reading
KUNSTVLAAI 7 (Art Pie International) / May 10- 18, 2008 / 12-6pm / Amsterdam / NL
Opening May 10, 4pm, Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam www.kunstvlaai.nl
DE FABRIEK / March 8- April 30, 2008 / thursday – sunday 2-5pm / Eindhoven / NL
Opening March 8, 7pm, Baarsstraat 38, Eindhoven www.defabriek.net Er is werk te zien van: Maurice Meewisse (NL), Eefje Verstraelen (NL), Lucie Renneboog (Be), Wouter Klein Velderman (NL)
W139 / November 24 – Januari 2, 2008 / Amsterdam / NL
www.w139.nl I designed two series of handbags: “Shell” and “AH”. These bags are for sale during the show C.A.R.L. of Eric von Robertson at W139, Warmoesstraat 139 Amsterdam.
Evolution de l’Art in The Blue House / www.evolutiondelart.org / Amsterdam / NL
Opening December 9, 3-6pm, Het Blauwe Huis [The Blue House], Housing Block 35, IJburg www.evolutiondelart.org The gallery Evolution de l’Art arises from a collaboration between SPACE (Juraj Carny, Diana Majdakova and Lydia Pribisova) and Cesare Pietroiusti. Evolution de l’Art is … Continue reading
DE SERVICE GARAGE / december 5 – december 23 2007 / wednesday – sunday 1-6pm / Amsterdam / NL
Opening December 1, 8pm, Stephensonstraat 16, Amsterdam www.deservicegarage.nl Er is werk te zien van: Frank Ammerlaan, Arik Visser, Maurice van Daalen, Oscar Peters, Zoro Feigl, Thijs Rhijnsburger, Nathan van Heynsbergen, Linda Nieuwstad, Benjamin Roth, Daniel Hofstede, Michiel Schuurman, Eric von … Continue reading
Lecture about “Is art real?” Symposium by Ad de Jong
Thursday, November 22 2007, 13.30u / Lloyd hotel, Oostelijke Handelskade 34 / Amsterdam / NL
Public interview/ lecture with Filip Berte (Be) about the work ‘EUtopia’ of Filip Berte.
Saturday, october, 3 2007, 22.15u / Vlaams cultuurhuis De Brakke Grond / Amsterdam / NL
Lecture about the work “De Camping” in relation to my later work
Monday, october 29, 2007, 13.00u / Pavillion / Gerrit Rietveld Academie / Amsterdam / NL